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Companies that use ME10 – PTC Creo Elements/Direct Drafting software for two-dimensional drafting are faced with the problem of how to convert .mi files to .dwg. Or they may need to convert files from .dwg to .mi.
Came Cmea is a converter that makes it easy to open and manage files from ME10 to AutoCAD and BricsCAD.
Companies that use ME10 – PTC Creo Elements/Direct Drafting software for two-dimensional drafting are faced with the problem of how to convert .mi files to .dwg. Or they may need to convert files from .dwg to .mi.
Came Cmea is a converter that makes it easy to open and manage files from ME10 to AutoCAD and BricsCAD.
This is what you can do with the Came Cmea converter:
It is extremely easy to use: the converter only requires the draughtsman to know 4 commands, 2 for conversion to ME10 and 2 for conversion from ME10.
Came Cmea is the ideal tool for converting large databases of drawings thanks to its batch conversion mode.
All you need to do is select the folder to be converted and the software will begin to convert files automatically.
Came Cmea opens and saves files with no need for the draughtsman to do anything: overnight operation allows the technical department to keep production running.
The Came Cmea converterkeeps the parts created in ME10 within AutoCAD/BricsCAD.
Conversion does not turn parts into blocks or groups, but creates actual parts within CAD. Thanks to the “parts tree”, you can carry on working as you have always done in ME10.
With Came Cmea you can change platforms, or keep both, without losing data and saving time thanks to its bidirectional conversion and parts retention.
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